Our location
The school is located on a private road just the Dawson Highway, approximately 9kms from Biloela township. Our address is 12935 Dawson Highway, Biloela, Queensland, 4715.
Our postal address is Prospect Creek State School, PO Box 180, Biloela, Queensland, 4715.
Bus routes
There are two bus routes which service Prospect Creek State School. The designated routes: Orange Creek / Prospect Creek / Goovigen bus run and Crowsdale / Camboon bus run. Biloela High School students interchange onto the Camboon bus to travel into and out of Biloela at Prospect Creek State School.
School rules apply on the buses to and from school and misbehaviour is not acceptable. There is a Bus Code of Conduct which all students must comply with. Any concerns regarding behaviour on the buses needs to be reported to the bus company. If your child / children are not suing the bus on any particular day, an informative phone call to the bus driver would be appreciated.
Any changes to afternoon transport, please notify the school as it will be noted in the bus transport folder for the teacher on afternoon duty.
Safe Transport
The Prospect Creek School Road is a 40km zone from the Dawson Highway to the front gate of the school grounds. The school gate is closed to thorough traffic from 8am until 3pm with a secondary access point between the tennis court and creek boundary fence for deliveries or emergency vehicle usage.
Motorists delivering students to and collecting them from the school are requested to do so at the front gate, keeping to the left at all times and exciting through the middle section of the road, between the trees. Parking is available on the hall side of the gates. School buses park to the left side of the gate and exit via the left side road. Staff vehicles are parked on school grounds in a designated area.